Parents are responsible for ensuring their child's compliance with the school’s uniform dress code on a daily basis. If a student comes to school without the proper uniform, parents will be called to bring the appropriate items.
Overview: The school uniform is required Monday through Thursday for all students, including Early Childhood, and includes a collared shirt, twill pants or shorts, skirts and jumpers in school colors. Wearing a spirit-wear sweatshirt or a plain sweatshirt or sweater in uniform colors is allowed for warmth, but the uniform shirt must be worn below it on Mondays - Thursdays.
Fridays are school spirit days! All students may wear their BSS spirit-wear shirts and sweatshirts on Fridays as well as jeans (pants, not shorts or cutoffs) or uniform bottoms. More specifically:
Students may wear spirit wear t-shirts/sweatshirts or plain t-shirts/sweatshirts in school colors (black, white, or gray) and jeans MOST Fridays during the school year. If we have Mass on Friday, the regular uniform is required.
Fridays will NOT be a “dress down” or “comfy cozy” day but a “Spirit” day. If students do not wish to wear jean pants, they should wear their regular uniform pants, shorts, skirts or jumpers.
We will, occasionally, schedule some Fridays as dress down or comfy cozy days but these will be the exception and will be announced in advance. When in doubt, have your student(s) wear the uniform!
Spirit wear is sold periodically throughout the school year and in the summer before the school year starts - announcements about Spirit Wear availability will be in our weekly eBlast and on our school social media pages.
Standard Uniform Detail: Our Lands' End school uniform (specifics are shown when you enter the BSS code: 900167180 on the LE website or by following this link) is the standard for color and style. Parents may purchase look-alike clothing from other vendors but items must meet all color, fabric, style and length specifications. NOTE: The black and gold plaid skirts and plaid, khaki and gray jumpers and polo dresses must be purchased from Lands’ End.